Life is Amazing

I just wanted to remind everyone how amazing life is. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own world we forget to stop and admire just how amazing life is. I hear it too often at work and it makes me sad when my co-workers say "I can't wait until the weekend". The reason this makes me sad is because their wishing a whole week of their life away when we all need to enjoy everyday were given. I get that not everyday will be all sunshine and butterflies but even during the dark moments we can acknowledge our feelings , address them head on, and move on with our lives to more positive moments on our path. Were only given one life and never told when or where it will end. Of course every so often it is good to try to see into your future think about that to make sure your on the right path but never dwell on your future too much and miss out on what's happening now in your present and forgive, and learn from your past but don't unpack and live there. The past is the past and nothing can be done to change it. We need to take the lessons, learn from them, and move on to what's ahead of us. Lesson here: Take every moment that life offers you and love it as much as you can. Life is unpredictable it will be bad but there will usually be more good than bad if you look for it. Be grateful for everyday your given and make the most of it. Think of the future, look at the past, but enjoy the here and now as often as you can. Be kind to all along your journey and if you can spread as much LOVE as possible. Life is amazing!


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