Being Weird is Amazing

I just want to start this post off with a little story. So back when I was in school people or classmates would always call others who they found to be different from them the wallflowers like myself or those who was unapologetically themselves instead of trying to fit in with the cool kids "weird" or "weirdos" and they meant it as an insult and back then I was only a kid and I didn't understand that it really shouldn't matter too much what people think of you and I still struggle with trying not to let the opinions of others drag me down but as I got older by the time I made it to high school I was one of those "weirdos" because I was virtually invisible the wallflower the quiet girl who never spoke unless spoken to the straight A nerd that was me. I quickly learned that I needed to hold my head high and be proud of the accomplishments I had achieved academically which was just honor roll I wasn't valedictorian or anything but still I was proud of my grades because I struggled all through school with a learning disability ADD a form of ADHD. The point of this post I want to make with my story is be YOU unapologetically and never let the opinions of others drag you down! I may not always take my own advice but I encourage everyone out there to! Like a song I like to listen to by Kelsea Ballerini called Square Pegs says "Square Pegs make the world go round" it's so true the world would be SO boring if everyone was a cliche and was all the same so be you always be kind, always spread more love, and remember being weird is AMAZING! 😜😉😊✌🏻❤🌞🌈


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