Animals are Amazing

I just want to share a story of just how much an animal can truly change your life and to inspire others to help animals in every way they can. When I was 12 years old I had just graduated from elementary school and it was the summer before my 6th grade year. I had struggled so much during elementary school from my ADD getting my medicine figured out and everything they wasn't sure I would make it through 5th grade without repeating but I proved everyone including myself wrong. For making it through I was granted something I had begged for, for years. Something that since I felt I would never get I went to the game Nintendogs to acquire. I was going to be able to pick my very first puppy and he or she would be all mine. My Mom was describing each puppy in the litter and how all but one looked like their parents. After hearing only one looked different I immediately asked about that one and my Mom said she is solid white with a little caramel brown on her and she is the smallest in the litter, the runt. I immediately fell in love with her without ever laying eyes on her and told my Mom that was going to be my new baby. After meeting her at only about a week or two old and meeting her parents I realized how special her mama was for giving me such a beautiful gift to honor her mama I named her after her mother and Sophie got her name. She could have been registered as a kennel club dog since she is pure pedigree Shih Tzu so we had to give her a kennel club name. I wanted some of me to shine through her name since I felt we had so much in common being so different from everyone she was the most different dog I ever met and I had always been told I was the most different person anyone ever met I also named her after a childhood friend I made at my daycare when I was like 4 so I named her Lady Bridgette (Bridgette is the childhood friend) Sophia (even though she is named after her mama I still tried to make it different to fit her) Lauren (that's my middle name!) We've always just called her Sophie though. At 6 weeks old me and my Mom couldn't stand the wait any longer and was told we could take her home. She was the best puppy but it wouldn't be long she would take us down a road we never imagined we'd go down. She developed pancreatitis at a very young age and was in and out the hospital most of her life. At around 5 years old my Mom made the prediction that because of how fragile and sick she is all the time she probably wouldn't have a long life. She proved us all wrong and showed us what true strength looks like! 11 years strong and she's still flexing that strength which is part of what pulls us through her health scares. She's my best friend when I have none which is most of the time. When my heart was broken I came back home and she never forgot me she ran to me like I never left loving me and showing me no matter the time span love will always find you. She showed me what true love looks like what it feels like what a soul mate looks like because it's not always a romantic type of thing your soul mate can be your very best friend! She has taught me to cherish EVERY moment I have with her and with everyone I love. She has taught me to love all as much as she does and to not be so scared of strangers because she never has been. In only 11 years she has taught me so much and warmed my heart to a point I never thought possible. Dogs are AMAZING and their love is taken for granted way too often. Learning lesson for everyone brought to us by Sophie is love all and love hard. Life is not a promise but a gift each day a new present to unwrap and appreciate. While were here make the best of our time show all what a big heart can do be kind be humble love ourself and do our best be strong but don't forget to be human to make mistakes someone or something will love you if you let it. Rest up girlie you still got more love to share and lessons to teach I love you Sophie! 🐶💞🐾


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