
Showing posts from February, 2019

Helping Others is Amazing

We all know that to help others creates an amazing and satisfying feeling within ourselves. It is the greatest and best thing you can do to take your own time and give it to someone else by lending a helping hand. I do it whenever I can and I want to share with you an example of just that. Yesterday I helped my Dad get to his dr so he could get what he needed. My Dad can no longer drive so he depends on me and my Mom for transportation which makes him feel bad and makes it hard on my Mom. I step in and help whenever I can and yesterday to hear both of my parents tell me how much they appreciate me for helping them out felt amazing. I want to encourage everyone to help others either your loved ones or through volunteer work whenever you can stop and help someone even animals too. It would be an amazing world if we all helped each other out and spread more kindness and more LOVE! Helping others is amazing!

Life is Amazing

I just wanted to remind everyone how amazing life is. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own world we forget to stop and admire just how amazing life is. I hear it too often at work and it makes me sad when my co-workers say "I can't wait until the weekend". The reason this makes me sad is because their wishing a whole week of their life away when we all need to enjoy everyday were given. I get that not everyday will be all sunshine and butterflies but even during the dark moments we can acknowledge our feelings , address them head on, and move on with our lives to more positive moments on our path. Were only given one life and never told when or where it will end. Of course every so often it is good to try to see into your future think about that to make sure your on the right path but never dwell on your future too much and miss out on what's happening now in your present and forgive, and learn from your past but don't unpack and live there. The past is the p

Animals are Amazing

I just want to share a story of just how much an animal can truly change your life and to inspire others to help animals in every way they can. When I was 12 years old I had just graduated from elementary school and it was the summer before my 6th grade year. I had struggled so much during elementary school from my ADD getting my medicine figured out and everything they wasn't sure I would make it through 5th grade without repeating but I proved everyone including myself wrong. For making it through I was granted something I had begged for, for years. Something that since I felt I would never get I went to the game Nintendogs to acquire. I was going to be able to pick my very first puppy and he or she would be all mine. My Mom was describing each puppy in the litter and how all but one looked like their parents. After hearing only one looked different I immediately asked about that one and my Mom said she is solid white with a little caramel brown on her and she is the smallest in